Now this is what I call and adventure session! We (Peter, Jake, and I) did not know what we were getting ourselves into with the 5 mile trek to the Franklin Falls haha (Amanda did)! We couldn’t park at the normal trailhead, due to snowpack, so we had to drive back down the highway a few miles to exit 47. We parked on the side of a road and just started walking.
At about mile 2 we stopped to take some stunning photos in the beautiful forest. The colors, scenery, and mood was absolutely perfect. Everything just worked!!
We kept trekking, stumbling over ice covered snow, and made our way to the trailhead, finally…. It was another couple miles to the actual falls, but we made the best of it. We slid down and ran up the little hills on the trail. Lots of laughs, falls/slips, and a couple of scary moments later and we were finally at the falls. While it was quite sunny when we got to Franklin Falls, it was SOOO worth it. We spent a time doing what we came to do - taking photos, before making our way back to the cars. We passed the time chatting about camping, jobs, and what we like to eat after a long hike or camping trip. Peter and ended up stopping at a gas station down the road for a Twix ice cream bar before demolishing the bag of Dots pretzels* that we had in our rental car from lunch. We made our way back to Seattle and found ourselves a huge and delicious burger from 8oz Burger Co. Overall it was the best day I’ve had in a long time and I am so grateful Ariana (insta friend) introduced my to Amanda and Jake! Peter and I had so much fun with you guys! — I also couldn’t walk normal for a couple days after haha.
*The best single piece of brightness the world has ever seen #notanad
Not shown in photos: 10 miles of walking, hiking, sliding, parkouring, slipping, & sweating.