North Shore, MN Adventure Session | Split Rock Lighthouse | Jaqui + Kirk — Hannah Ampe Photography

North Shore, MN Adventure Session | Split Rock Lighthouse | Jaqui + Kirk

What an AMAZING adventure photography session!!! Jaqui and Kirk are soo freakin’ cute!! Their go to “pose” was smile and laugh and I loved every minute of it lol. We met at Split Rock Lighthouse and hiked around a bit, exploring the shoreline rocks, and pebble beach. Im trying to convince Peter to buy some land up there so we can go up every weekend :) Coming off of a few very slow months, adventuring with these two was just what the doctor ordered.

Peter, Penny, and I used this as an excuse to take a little weekend getaway. We spent the weekend camping, hiking, and taking photos. Penny did soo amazing camping and hiking, and was lovin’ life, as were we!